
Water Research: Mapping and Visualizing Publicly Accesible Data
The Community Research Collective has used the knowledge gained through working with public data to lead community workshops about how to make FOIA requests.
We worked with the Detroit Health Department to use the data to illustrate the impact of water shutoffs on public health. We have participated in a collaborative research study with the Henry Ford Health System on water shuttoffs and health, taking into account the 'Social Vulnerability Index'. This link will take you to a new page with news around that work specifically.
Major Water Research Accomplishments
Created maps and visualizations related to Detroit’s water shutoff crisis
Published a book, “Mapping the Water Crisis: The Dismantling of African-American Neighborhoods in Detroit” (2016), on the results of our water-related research. This is volume one of a three-part series documenting the effects of austerity and its relationship to race in Detroit.
Executed a two-year, city-wide public health survey investigating the impact of water shutoffs on public health
Have been invited to present our research at universities, community teach-ins, public health organizations, and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

We created visual representations of much of the information discovered through our research. There is a lot here, so we have organized our visualizations by topic. Hover over the image to see the topic each charts relates to, if you're interested in specific information.